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About Total Recreation

Total Recreation have been operating in the Northern Territory for more than 30 years providing recreation programs and activities for it's members. 


Empowering members to become actively involved in their local community through sport, fitness, social, art and travel. Total Recreation ensure activities and events enjoyed by us all are available to those with disabilities, we believe we all have a right to be included, regardless of our level of ability.  


Operating under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) programs are conducted in small groups at a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio (Total Recreation does not provide one on one support services).


Participation with our peers assists to build confidence, develop skills, have fun and grow our friendship networks. We believe it's good to do things in the community but it's better doing it with friends!

“One big family that do everything together”.

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Providing community participation and access for members through the NDIS Total Recreation also delivers other sports participation and pathway opportunities partnering with both state and national sports organisations. 


School Sport - This program ended in December 2022, due to the funding not being continued.  

Coordinating sport in Darwin, Palmerston and rural special education schools Total Recreation provides weekly sporting sessions to over 320 students every year. The program includes on campus sports, delivered by state sporting bodies, learning to swim program with Royal Life Saving and off campus gala sport and recreation days. 








Sports Pathway

As the Northern Territory representative of Sports Inclusion Australia, Total Recreation work in partnership to support opportunities and eligibility to attend national and international competitions.






Total Recreation conducts three major fundraisers each year, these events not only provide funding to subsidise program costs, equipment and venue hire but also provide members with a lot of fun. Our fundraising events include;


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  • Dancing With The Celebrities - where local celebrities team up with members in a ball room dance competition for the title of Grand Champion.


  • Katherine to Darwin Challenge - challenge yourself and raise much needed funds. 




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Strategic Plan

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National Disability Insurance Scheme


Total Recreation is a registered service provider under the NDIS (more info at All program pricing is guided by the NDIS price guide, this dictates the 1:2 or 1:3 ratio support charged at an hourly rate. We are open and transparent about all program and activity pricing for services up front.

The NDIS does not cover the costs of some program items, this includes;


  • Meals

  • Tickets / entry charges

  • Materials / ingredients (arts, cooking etc.)

  • Accommodation & airfares


Total Recreation provides support generally at a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio, providing community access, active recreation, fitness, social networking and personal development, working towards achieving their NDIS and life goals.


  • Total Recreation provide support at a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio on NDIS programs.

  • We do not provide one on one care or support on programs.

  • Program pricing is guided by the NDIS, see the NDIS pricing website

  • Issues or Complaints can be submitted by using this form

Program Cancellations

If you have booked into a program and you do not attend and/ or fail to provide sufficient notice to Total Recreation you will be charged the NDIS fees relating to that program.


If Total Recreation cannot find a replacement member for a ticketed event / travel program and you have not provided the required notice period, you will be charged 100% of your NDIS program costs and scheduled hours of support.



Life Members
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Life Members


Bernadette Rose


Sheina Atkinson


Lyn Barlow


Suzanne Cavanagh


Jessica Watkinson


Eileen Farrell


Simon Watts


Bronwyn Graham


Alasdair McGregor 



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Robyn Cahill OAM (Chair)


Patricia Brooks (Treasurer)​


Peter Sargeant​


Gemma Scales

Yvonne Corby


Taane Aratema


Rose Daniel 


VACANT (x 2 positions) 


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Participant Advisory Committee


The Participant Advisory Committee (PAC), is the member representative committee providing feedback and direction across programs, planning and member experiences. 


Caitlyn Strathie (Chair)


Amanda Hintz (Vice Chair)


Alex McInnes


Kym Duggan


Callum Bateman


Fara Djawas


Raymond Walker



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Executive Director: MBA & GAICD


Services Coordinator: (+Socials Lead)


Operations Coordinator: (+Travel Lead)


Alice Springs Coordinator - Mark Bensted



Sport - Inclusion Officer:


FREDI Fitness - Inclusion Officer:


Arts - Inclusion Officer:


Finance Officer – Chris Winn


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